wasm-mutate Industrial collaboration with Fastly. wasm-mutate is a new tool for fuzzing Wasm compilers, runtimes, validators, and other Wasm-consuming programs. 351 wasm-mutate-numbers Research project on randomization for WebAssembly/Wasm. Wasm 2 Wasm approach. 0 Ralph(ReDo of MINOS) re-implementation of the Minos webassembly malware detector 1 CROW Research project on randomization for WebAssembly/WASM. 40 Souper A fork of a batle testet superoptimizer. Some changes are made to turn this amazing tool in a software diversifier. fork WAFL Using AFL and SWAM to build a fuzzer for WebAssembly code. 40 SWAM Swam is a WebAssembly interpreter written in Scala with the cats library. It passes all the official specification tests. It is under an Apache 2 license. We are contributing to extend SWAM with new features, like, fuzzing and code analyzis. fork BrowserBot I am trying to build my own "Puppeter". BrowserBot is a wrapper of the Chrome DevTool. It uses a small language to execute steps in a browser session. L3-37-Browser L3-37 is a mini web browser that superimposes a view of the structure of the web page on top of the actual page. Our goal is to reveal and embody the organization and dynamics of software that runs the world wide web. Citizens interact with browsers worldwide, every day and we which to offer a looking through the glass of web content. 6 TigerTruffle For a proof of concept to study the execution time and memory usage, in a custom language interpretation, the target codes were written in Tiger. 1